Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Time Flys

This year has gone by so fast, it is almost 2011 and it all seems unreal. This year has had its challenges, but it had also been so much fun. As this year ends I hope that all challenges that face my family and I will all work out okay. I have lost some friends this year, but i also have gained some of the best ones as well. Even though some of my friends don't approve of the things that I am doing, I hope that they will soon just be friend and don't try and change me unless I ask or need it. I may not be the same person that i was, but I am still me and you shouldn't judge or try and "save" me from what I have become. I am still trying to figure everything out, and if I change along the way I hope that you will still be the friend that I once had, because you have changed as well.