Thursday, January 13, 2011

The Beginning of 2011

So this year has been actually been okay. I have the best friends and I could'nt ask for better ones. They are so much fun even though it might seem lame, we always make it our own no matter what. Already this year I kind of feel left behind, more friends are moving on and sometimes I feel like I'm not. Don't get me wrong I love where I'm at, but sometimes I just wonder what my life would be like if I wouldn't have changed and I would have just stayed on the path that I was on.  Someone once said that "It's not the destintaion, it's the journey", but sometimes I would just like to know what the outcome will be, cause no fortune teller could have predicted my life (or maybe they could). I could have got my patriarchal blessing and they I know that would have helped, but considering the circumstances I just dont feel right about it. Sometimes I just don't understand some people, they are so judgmental but they know that their god still loves them, but if I do one wrong thing that he doesn't love me or except me for who I am. I know that some will never understand, and that is okay, but don't treat me different because of it. Also don't try and change my mind if I want to change I will I just don't see it in my future right now. No one reads this so it doesn't even matter that I just babble on about my life and write my frustrations out, but sometimes just writing is enough..

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