Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Represent the 801!

I am so excited to go to Cali this weekend, it will be so exciting and probably one of the most remember able experiences of my life thus far. I'm also kind of nervous for our girls but they are so talented and have worked so hard that I know that they are going to do awesome! (cause they deserve it). I am so grateful that I have the opportunity to work with such fun and talented girls "they are winners :)" I have been given such a great opportunity to learn from such great leaders, Sumer, Cory and Tiffany have taught me so much and this year would not be the same without them. If there was one phrase that describes this experience it is "learning from the masters", cause they truly know there stuff. I hope that  I get the chance to work WIG next year, it is such an escape from the real world and I love leaving the world outside the door and being refreshed by people that I love to be around and that love guard too. Now let's go and scare some judges and our opponents!!

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